At BuyBackWorld we embrace and embody a "work hard, play hard" mentality to ensure everyone loves coming to work. We don't require a dress code (clothes are necessary though!) and our employees are free to work at their leisure, provided they are accomplishing their responsibilities. Although we love work, we also love to kick back and hang out as a team. In fact, we find time to connect at weekly lunches, monthly happy hours, summertime cookouts and annual getaways.

A Few Fun Facts About BuyBackWorld Culture

Coming from Wall St. backgrounds where dress codes were strictly enforced for the most part, the founders wanted to embrace a modern culture and environment where people were free to work comfortably and express themselves as they wanted. Since a lot of our success is attributed to creativity, we never want to inhibit free flowing thoughts here at BuyBackWorld so we encourage employees to come up with new ideas to improve our business not only for the end consumer, but for themselves, because we've always felt if you're not enjoying what you're doing, it's just not worth doing.

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